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Multicultural Inclusion

At Kitiwah, we celebrate diversity

Multicultural Inclusion

When children enter our Centre, they bring with them a rich variety of cultural and social backgrounds and experiences. We recognise the individuality of each child and family and try to incorporate possible cultural values and religious events into our programs.

We ask that parents inform the Centre of any special customs or celebrations on the enrolment information documents to enable staff to make links between the child’s home life and their time at the Centre effectively. Plus, we ask families to inform us of the nationalities that make up their families’ heritage, please make note of this on your child’s information form in your enrolment pack.

Let′s Celebrate Diversity

Diversity refers to cultural differences (such as childrearing practices) and providing opportunities for children to recognise and value these many cultural differences in Australian Society is a crucial element of planning ‘meaningful learning experiences for children.’

Educators can engender a respect and acceptance for diversity in children by creating environments which spark interest and encourage the exploration of similarities and differences. Through these explorations, children can develop a strong sense of identity as they perhaps share aspects of their culture or learn about other cultures with their peers and their educators; connect with and contribute to their world as they have opportunities to develop an understanding of other cultures; and have a strong sense of wellbeing and become confident and involved learners as they feel accepted and learn to accept others and become effective communicators as they interact with others.

Kitiwah pays respect to the “Gummi Gummi” people and elders who were the original owners of this land.

Ready to discover the Kitiwah difference?